You should make sure that the e-mail you will use when signing up is correct, and you should complete your membership with an address you use actively. We will share all information specific to you and your order via this address.
Your password; You should make sure that it is between 7-15 characters and contains at least 1 letter and 1 number.
If you have forgotten your password, you can log in to your account by performing a password reset.
The steps to follow for this are;
From the ‘Member Login’ page, click on ‘Forgot Password’. When you enter your e-mail address belonging to your membership and click ‘Send’, a link will be sent to your relevant e-mail address.
You can create a new password by clicking the link.
If the link did not reach you, check your spam folder.
You can make the payment with paypal and credit/debit card. After entering your card information, you can choose one of the installment options and complete your shopping if it is a product that can be made in installments.
There are also payment options by wire transfer.